All Physical Therapy & Wellness Services

Pelvic Floor Therapy / Women's Health Services

Women's health refers to the branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and conditions that affect a woman's physical and emotional well-being. Here at Restore U PT, our focus is on healing the body, regaining strength, and returning to the things that you love. Whatever it is, we have what you need to restore you back to yourself!

Diastasis Recti Rehab

Diastasis recti occur when the midline of the most superficial abdominal muscle—called the rectus abdominis—starts to separate. Widening in this area of connective tissue, which is known as the linea alba, can occur for a variety of reasons, including pregnancy and stomach obesity. This can lead to difficulty with sneezing, coughing, rolling over in bed, and lifting. While this condition can be painless, it can cause abdominal discomfort, low back pain, hip pain, and generalized instability due to the weakening of the core. Many women become very self-conscious of their appearance as well following pregnancy. 

Rehabilitation of the diastasis recti would consist of core strengthening and stabilizing exercises that target upper, middle, and lower abdominal muscles to improve functional strength and reduce the separation.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a treatment approach that uses the principles of physical therapy to provide a structured, effective, and safe reconditioning of pelvic floor muscles. The goal of the treatment is to improve the strength and function of pelvic floor muscles and alleviate pain, weakness, and dysfunction in the muscles. During the treatment, a skilled physical therapist accesses the muscles externally and through the rectum or vagina utilizing techniques to improve their strength and functioning. The therapist may either stretch the muscles if they are short and contracted or apply resistance to improve strength if they are weak and dysfunctional.

*** BCBS & Medicare Accepted AND HSA/FSA Approved ***

*** Pricing with insurance varies based on fee agreement ***


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